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“The Round Table brings together a great group of writers.  

Nelsie hosts like Dorothy Parker must have reigned at the original Round Table —

with great humor.  Hearing other writer’s voices on a regular basis

helps me develop and strengthen my own voice.  

The two-week time frame gives me time to work and edit and push along my story.” 
-- Sheila Kehoe, Novelist

"[Nelsie is] a miner who has managed to pull gold out of me when I didn’t even know it was in there. [She is] the carpenter that knows what size nails to use,

and where to place the connecting walls. 

Basically, how to build a story that holds up over time.  

[She makes] me produce better and better work.

It’s as though [she] can see the veins in the marble like a sculptor.

I’m no longer an amateur because of [Nelsie]."
-- Lori Nicholson, Memoirist

"[Nelsie knows] how to make [her] students feel good about their writing. [She has] the best way of giving great feedback... always constructive but inspiring.

[Nelsie's] class... inspired me to continue writing and gave me so many

different pieces I’ve built into more solid stories.

[She] helped me discover my worth... blatantly told me to continue writing

about my life and not to water down my stories.

[She] helped me become a better storyteller. {She laughed] with me!!

I love bringing new (and revised) stories to [her]...

[Her] reactions are always so appreciated.

[She helped] me to mine my jokes and really dig into the funny parts of my stories."

-- George Toledo, Essayist

"Nelsie is insightful and inspirational!

Working with her has helped me to develop some structure and some work habits

-- and to think more deeply about the project. I feel that the dusty pile of papers on my desk into a living, breathing part of my life and I know that something will emerge.

Thank you, Nelsie!" 
-- Faye Schneier, Playwright

."... a HUGE thank you for a fun couple of weeks.  I wasn’t sure what to expect from an intensive course... While a little intimidated at first… I leave the class with so much more confidence in my work/style. And inspired to write...

Only regret… that the class is over so quickly. THANK YOU!"

-- Jill Harrington, Humor Writer

"As a fellow former actor, I enjoyed [Nelsie's] background in this art because [she brings] stories to life quickly and showcased what it looks like to have a vast imagination.  

IE This female character needs three characteristics- tall, brunette, wearing glasses is great but then you add she’s a ballet dancer or a drunk or both- boom, a story is born!  

That was how I saw her method, very creative & imaginative.

Last, I’d say [she's] a genuinely positive person which gives [her] a good technique in the critique.  [She's] never going to tear anyone down. [She sees] everything as good or really good but either way, [she uses ] it as a foundation to build up.  [She] never acted like a “know-it-all” or as if [she was] “better than” anyone as many teachers/instructors I’ve seen/had throughout my life.  [She teaches] like a coach and for me, it was brilliant."
-- Kate Rose, Writer

"My favorite quote from [Nelsie] was about finding our voices, and [she] said something [like], “Louie CK can’t be Carmen Lundell and Carmen Lundell can’t be Louie CK”.

As an instructor, [she is] so good at affirming that

everyone is unique and has something to share with the world."
-- Carmen Lundell,  Humor Writer

"Nelsie provides a safe writing & sharing space that encouraged me

as a burgeoning writer to be vulnerable through her humor,

kindness, ability to relate to her students, and her insight.

She helps you parse through your material and find the heartbeat,

through her classes and feedback, you can tell she cares about you and your growth. By selecting Nelsie as a writing coach, you’re electing someone who will make you laugh while being encouraging and helping you tailor your voice.

Whenever I become doubtful of my writing, I remind myself of some advice

Nelsie gave our Humor Writing class...

“even though people may have told a similar story before,

no one is going to tell it as I will.” It’s a truism that I carry with me every day!!!"
-- Raquelle Garcete, Humor Writer

"What attracted me [to Nelsie] is that she is a  comedian with a proven track record- she's published a book, written and produced a play, and written and produced a movie. [Nelsie is] personable, and she feels like someone I could go to for both personal and professional advice. Writing is like therapy so in some ways [she is] a facilitator of this therapy."  
-- Lindsey Williams, Humor Writer

"[Nelsie has] a real talent for helping your students mine the nuggets in their writing

so they can find what works, what can be extended, and what should be excluded.

[Nelsie is] really good at creating a nurturing environment for writers so they feel safe enough to try new techniques or reveal personal information.

[Her] style of teaching is perfect for students learning to write humor pieces

whether for publication or performance." 
-- Belinda Walker, Humor Writer

"You are different from other writing teachers that I have had in the past because

you don't say no to your students. You believe that anything can be written

and that anything can be written well. Most teachers impose their tastes and styles

on their students without realizing it. You are always on board with your students.

You are supportive, open-minded, and progressive while still maintaining an expectation of plain ol' damn good writing! I wanted to stay in your class because of this.

Because you didn't make my writing feel like a chore or like I ever did a bummer job.

That encouragement is rare in a world where everyone thinks they know best.

I have learned from you that I can write and that hey, I even want to."
-- Anna Weintraub, Humor Writer

"It was a total gift in my life to have met Nelsie. Her workshop was a phenomenal experience. She is shrewd, delightful and compassionate.

She is able to get inside the performer and sense what the story is that they want to tell,

and she knows how to support your delivery of that story.

Nelsie was able to embrace exactly who I am. The work was very fulfilling and empowering.

I loved the whole experience! I'm never going to stop!"

- - Wendy  Luck, Musician, Memoirist

"Nelsie is not afraid to dig deeper or gently push you forward,

and that's how Nelsie helped me overcome some of the biggest obstacles in my writing by providing quality feedback. Her strength is in giving proper advice;

she's like a white Oprah, if you will. It is worth repeating:

Not the advice you think you wanna hear (or maybe you do),

but the advice you need to hear--an important distinction.

I don't know if it comes naturally to her or whether after the years in the business

she has an eye for it. Nelsie takes her time to understand you and gives you feedback based on your needs, not hers.

Her invaluable advice helped me elevate my writing to a new level."

-- Jeremy Taylor,  Humor Writer

“The biggest thing I walked away with is a deeper appreciation of the potency and incredible strength inherent in each of our own stories.  The sense of community in the class

was truly special.  I could not have envisioned a more supportive environment to

explore my own voice and what I have to say.”

- - Alex Birnie, Actor, Singer, Writer

"What can I tell you about Nelsie? She's wonderful! The class -- fantastic!

I came to the class [the writing workshop for actors] on a whim

because the only writing I'd ever done before was poetry. 

Nelsie showed me, in a very gently way, how I was removed from my writing.

Each week she guided me in many different ways, towards writing in my own voice; writing the way I talk.

Nelsie gave me the gift to write, and it is a true blessing!"

-- Carolyn Mignini, Actor and Writer

 "I had never done anything like Nelsie's workshop before in my life.

And the whole experience was transformative.

And listening to other class members' lives and their stories was transcendent.

Nelsie just has a real gift for pulling out your authentic self, who you really are,

and bringing out your story into a very clear picture so that others can learn from...your journey. I would highly recommend anyone taking Nelsie's workshop. 

I learned a lot and I had a really great time!"

-- Stephanie McKay, Singer, Songwriter and Writer

"If anyone is considering writing a solo show... 

even if you don't really know what you want to say... Nelsie is you gal! 

People came to the class with just a tiny kernel of something and

over the weeks developed it into something viable.

She just has such a gift.

I have a show... that I was completely reworking,

and she took me to areas that I NEVER could've gone to on my own. 

If you're thinking about it -- just jump in!" 

-  Mary McDonald Hamill, Actor, Writer

"Energy is [Nelsie's]  superpower. And, perhaps, improv and anchoring writing in characters' bodies is [her]other superpower.

Thank you so much for all you've given."

-- Holly Woodward, Novelist

Nelsie Spencer

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