What You'll Get

Join the Pre-Launch
How to Transform You Writing in
5 Days Challenge
to unlock Saving!
Begins July 8th in the FB Group
Launches July 17, 2024
All the Elements that create The Joyful Writer Method:
Heading 4
The Joyful Writer Method's 12-Sessions
TJWM's core element is the 12 sessions, all available once you begin the program. You can do them as quickly or slowly as you wish. To get the most out of TJWM, I recommend spending a week on each session and doing them in order. But it's up to you.
These 12 On-demand Video Lessons:
Are carefully crafted and ordered, each one building on the last
Are designed to help the writer uncover the hidden blocks that keep them from succeeding.
Provide tools and techniques for creating and sticking to a DOABLE writing schedule.
Deliver tools and tips for beating procrastination, negative self talk and false beliefs about writing.
Are a holistic approach that focuses on all aspects of writing.
Emphasize improving the writer’s conscious and unconscious relationship to their writing, which is often what’s holding them back.
These 12 Video Lessons Include:
12 Lectures, each on a different aspect of the craft of writing.
12 Lectures on transforming your relationship to your writing.
12 "Live" in-class exercises and/or writing prompts related to the topic.
Homework Assignments that further strengthen and improve your writing, and...
Transform your relationship to your writing.
And more!
The Joyful Writer Method Workbook, which includes:
12 Hand-outs
12 homework assignments
Lecture highlights
And more!
The Joyful Writer Method's Facebook Group
Where you can...
Find members to create a mastermind group.
Ask me, or the group any questions you might have 24/7.
Share resources and knowledge.
Celebrate wins!
A Year of Weekly Live Joyful Writer Q&A Zoom Sessions
Every week for an entire year you'll have the weekly Q&A Zoom Meeting with me.
Where you can...
Get my input regarding any issues you might have encountered.
Ask me any questions you might have.
Find accountability partners.
Connect with other writers.
Share your wins!​
Nelsie Spencer pulls off quite a feat: helping you see where your writing could go while making you feel amazing about what you’ve already done.
This is encouragement and mentorship at the highest, most game-changing level.
I’ve been lucky enough to experience this from Nelsie—and the safe, inspiring environment she creates—both in her classes and working with her one-on-one.
When I signed up for my first class with Nelsie, I felt so unsure I had enough to write about or that I could write with humor that I almost backed out.
I’m forever grateful I didn’t because it transformed how I feel
about writing and myself as a writer.
Most writers will say that sharing your first (or tenth) draft is harrowing.
But sharing drafts with Nelsie is actually fun as she lovingly helps you find gold you couldn’t see yourself while regularly making you laugh.
Every writer needs a Nelsie!
-- Mark Futterman, Writer and Humorist