Early Bird Special

Watch the Video, get all the details and a FREE gift!
What you Get with The Early Bird Discount:
12-week, on-demand video course (videos yours to keep forever)- $350
TJWM Workbook - (yours to keep forever) - $10.99
One Year of Weekly Zoom Sessions (48 1-hour Zoom Meetings with me)- $1600
Super Starter Bonus Kit - $100 (FREE! Only available with the Early Bird Offer)
All for only $199​
Offer Ends June 1st 2024
Thank you, Nelsie Spencer for The Joyful Writing Method. I am already sifting through my notes, realizing just how much information and inspiration you have shared. When I began this journey with you, I did not have expectations.
I approached it with curiosity, ready to absorb what I might.
Twelve sessions later, I am astounded by how easily you moved me
from a place of neutrality to an actual need to write every day. I know I’m not the first to say how contagious your positive approach to writing (and life) is.
If I feel stuck, I can see Nelsie’s smile, saying “What if Shakespeare only journaled?”
-- Robin Perry