Creative Nonfiction Humor Writing:
Blogs, Travel Writing, Memoir, Personal Essays, etc.
Where would we be if Shakespeare had said, 'Maybe I'll just journal.'?" -- Nelsie Spencer

10 Weeks
with 45+ minutes
of dedicated writing
time every week, to
move you forward
on your Humorous Creative Nonfiction.
April 18th to June 20th
Thursdays 6:30pm ET
via Zoom
Imagine how far along you'd be after10 weeks
of lectures, support, accountability and
45 minutes EACH WEEK of in-class writing time!
Designed for writers committed to making real progress in humorous creative non-fiction.
Members commit to a weekly goal regarding page or word count, or a minimum of time they will devote to their writing.
All writers get the chance to share one longer piece
and get loving and supportive feedback for the class.
Weekly lectures address topics ranging from structure
to dialogue, to rewrites and more, with an emphasis on where and when to "find the funny" or turn up the volume on the humor in their story. Often the topic is inspired by an issue or struggle a writer is facing.
The 45+ minutes of writing time ensures everyone leaves each class with some solid writing, and plenty of support and inspiration under their belts.
""Like the best coaches, Nelsie is encouraging and supportive, but also tells you what you need to hear in order to become a better writer. For those that aren't great with deadlines (who is?), Nelsie keeps you on track and helps you move forward while being patient and giving you the space you need. Nelsie is a connoisseur of humor and will help you find opportunities for humor in places you never imaged."
- - Duvi Stahler, Solo-Show Writer/Performer