Intro to...

The Joyful Writer Method is designed to get you writing, keep you writing and ferret out anything that's keeping you from being a successful, joyful writer.
Let's face it, it doesn't matter what an amazing writer you are,
or how wonderful your stories are, if you're not...
Writing consistently
Perfecting your writing, and...
Finishing what you've started
After 35 years as a professional writer, and almost 18 years as a writing teacher and coach, I've discovered the #1 obstacle that keeps the writer from success:​
9 times out of 10 the writer gets in their own way:
procrastination, rationalizations, lack of belief in themselves.
The Joyful Writer Method
is a 12-part, online program designed to help the writer
The JWM will give you proven techniques to get you writing,
keep you writing and make sure you
your memoir, novel, screenplay, etc.
In the end, creating a SUCCESSFUL and JOYFUL writer.
Join my Pre-Launch
How to Transform Your Writing in 5-Days Challenge i my
Joyful Writer Face Book Group
to get access to special offers.
Begins July 8th 2024
Watch the 5-minute Sneak Peek of Sessions
1, 2 & 3
"Whether you are a person who is an experienced writer or a novice, this class has something for you to fold into your practice. I am grateful and encouraged, and more confident in sharing my writing, something I never thought I’d do.
The Joyful Writing Method reminds us all to 'not forget to have fun.'
What’s better advice than that?"
-- Robin Perry